Service Offers

Service Offers

Trust the experts that know your Ford best.


We know your Ford best. Our Technicians are trained on Ford and Lincoln vehicles and receive ongoing training to keep up with the latest Ford technology.


We utilize precise diagnostic equipment and use only Ford and Motorcraft® parts to keep your vehicle running the way it should.


Ford and Motorcraft® parts are original equipment to help maintain or restore your Ford or Lincoln vehicle’s performance and reliability. Plus, all Parts are backed by Ford Motor Company and built with the engineering expertise of a manufacturer with over 100 years of experience.


At every visit, your Ford will receive a thorough inspection using our Vehicle Report Card that shows you how it’s performing, what needs attention and what can wait.


We also offer light- and heavy-repairs and collision services for Ford and Lincoln cars and light-trucks.

Whatever your needs, our Ford-Trained Technicians and Service Advisors have the right knowledge, technology and parts to help keep your vehicle operating at its best.


Ford and Motorcraft® replacement parts are covered against defects in material or Workmanship for 24 months or unlimited distance, whichever occurs first (for dealer installed parts). Select parts have longer time and/or distance coverage such as engines, transmissions, shocks and struts and batteries.

The Ford Protection Plan*** offers no charge replacement on select parts as long as the original purchaser of the part owns the vehicle on which the part was installed. This is not a warranty but a protection plan that is offered to the purchaser of the Ford replacement part.

For more information on the Parts & Accessory Warranties and Ford Protection Plan see your local Ford Store for complete details, limitations and exclusions.

NOTE: Ford Protection Plan does not apply to commercial customers. Please contact your dealer for commercial conditions and details.

*Applies to single rear wheel vehicles only. Diesel models not eligible.

**Up to 5 litres of oil. Disposal fees may be extra. Does not apply to diesel engines.

^Offer applies to single rear wheel vehicles. Taxes and disposal fees extra. Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) excluded. Dual rear wheel models qualify at additional cost. Up to 16 litres of oil.

***Ford Protection Plan (“FPP”) is only available for purchasers of Ford or Motorcraft® replacement parts for non-commercial cars and light trucks. FPP provides coverage (part only, labour and towing excluded) beyond the expiry of the standard Parts & Accessory Warranty. If a FPP-eligible Ford or Motorcraft® part fails due to a defect in material or workmanship, wear out or rust through, it will be replaced at no charge as long as the original purchaser of the part owns the vehicle on which the part was installed. Coverage varies between over-the-counter and dealer-installed parts. See your local Ford Store for complete coverage details and limitations.